Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Mad Men Roly Poly Glasses- Super Deal!

I have been watching Mad Men lately and I have been drooling over the roly poly silver rimmed glasses they use. I priced the Dorothy Thorpe glasses and they go for about $60- $70. CRAZY! I gave up because they were expensive and rare to find. Then one day I was at an estate sale and saw 6 silver rimmed roly poly glasses in the back yard in the junk section of the estate sale. They had no price so I asked an estate sale worker how much for the 6 glasses and he said 2 BUCKS TOTAL FOR ALL 6 GLASSES! CRAZY GOOD DEAL! I took em and wrapped them up.

I also found 2 silver rimmed champagne glasses at a thrift store later in the week. I must have stumbled upon some good luck.

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